Styleness S.p.A. is a company operating in the design industry of high-quality stainless steel.
The firm was born at the end of 2015 with the aim of developing an innovative and technological line of products in inox steel material.

During the years, we acquired expertise in the sector and created important partnerships worldwide. We were then able to fabricate state-of-the-art products with the highest quality and enter the world of luxury.

Our dynamic and slim structure allows us to operate quickly while satisfying all needs.
We differentiate ourselves for the elegance and unique style of our merchandise, while trying to become a reference point for our customers.

Stainless steel products

Our collection includes the whole range of materials:
Supermirror N8 with reflective finishing in inox steel in silver coloring.
Supermirror N8 with reflective finishing PVD ( Physical Vapour Deposition) in various innovative colors.
Various surface finishes both in silver and PVD coloring.
Antifingerprint easy cleaning finishes glossy or opaque.
Decorated and rigidized in different colorings.

Why choose Styleness


Physical Vapor Deposition

PVD coating is a process that doesn’t alter the chemical composition of the starting material, but instead changes the coloring by depositing titanium particles, donating to the metal a new and captivating appearance.

Nano Ceramic Coating

NCC is obtained through an electro-chemical process that confers an anti-fingerprint surface to the material, on which it is extremely difficult for bacteria to survive. The material is therefore easy-cleaning and hydro repellent, more durable and resistant to corrosion with respect to normal stainless steel.
It is not yet possible to apply the NCC technology to materials with Super Mirror finishing.

Our services

Dedicated warehouse

Styleness has a warehouse dedicated to the storage of materials with the possibility of dividing the pallets. This allows us to satisfy all sorts of different needs, from the single sheet to programs of medium/long term.

Tailor Made Products

We offer the possibility to have tailor-made products, studied together with the client to satisfy all production needs.


Thanks to collaborations with architecture studios, we have cooperated with our clients to study and develop design projects like facades, pools and fair stands for exhibitions like the Salone del Mobile and Fuorisalone di Milano.

Need information?

If you need information or if you are interested in our products, leave your details below and we will contact you soon.

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    Rainbow , a new product by Styleness